[quote author=”- Flavia”]Fall yawns, covers herself with leaves and we sing songs of thanks for our every blessing…[/quote]

Thanks for stopping by. With Thanksgiving only a couple of weeks away, on October 8 and Labour Day behind us, we are officially into the fall season, with its cooler nights, warm days and vibrant colours. School classes have resumed and regular routines are again being followed.

Extreme_Clean_BedroomCompany and family may be visiting for the holiday and you will want to be prepared with a fresh, clean organized home that smells great and sparkles. That’s what we do best. Ask us about our services and we will listen carefully as to how you would like your home cared for.

On November 4, Daylight Savings Time will end and we’ll turn the clock back one hour as the days become shorter. It’s a great time to change the batteries in all your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors on that same weekend and be safe. It’s also the law in some municipalities.

You will be spending more time indoors from now to spring and we remind you that a lot of small household jobs need to be attended to before the cold pours in for another season.

At Maid in Windsor, we clean for you so you can enjoy more time with your family and friends. Call us for your housekeeping needs both residential as well as commercial. We can schedule a cleaning that is convenient for you and tailor it to fit a regular service to suit your personalized requirements.


Your ceiling fans also need to be tended to for winter. The blade direction should draw cooled air up from the floor, counter clockwise, and push the heated air that sits near the ceiling downward. Set the fan speed to low, so the air is gently circulated throughout your room.

We remind you to seal your leaks with caulking and weather strip around your windows and doors and keep the heat in. Use heavy drapes and window film to lock in the warmth. Your furnace needs to be serviced by a qualified specialist so that it is safe and efficient. Remember that the filter needs to be replaced once a month, too.

It’s important to keep yourself warm with layers of clothing. Wear long sleeves, sweaters and winter socks to keep yourself comfortable so that you don’t have to adjust your thermostat. The less energy you use, the less your heating bills will be. Keep the humidity level to no less than 50%, it will feel warmer and reduce your monthly expense.

Maid in Windsor Newsletter Fall 2012Extra blankets for the couch add comfort, on your beds they add extra warmth and in the car trunk they prepare for possible winter emergencies. Buy warm pajamas now for all the family!

Make your plans to winterize your vehicles and have your driving gloves and steering wheel cover handy for those cold mornings. You’ll need an ice scraper, snow tires, new windshield wipers and a bag of kitty litter if you get stuck in a snow drift. It is always wise to have lock de-icer in your glove box.

You will also want to wrap your outside pipes, mulch the garden and clean the gutters, to remove those fall leaves before the winter set s in. Drain your outdoor hoses and insulate your exposed plumbing pipes outdoors.

Now is also the perfect time to plant those spring flower bulbs before the ground freezes. Remove plant stakes, tomato cages or trellises. The best time to get your garden ready for winter is right after the first frost has killed your annuals.

You may also want to check your pantry and stock up on canned goods and non-perishables for days when you may be snowed in. Buy indoor candles and matches to use if the power goes out. And, prepare an Emergency Kit to have on hand with extra bottled water and food supplies, including pet food.


Apple picking is a great family activity. Once picked, you can bake together and make delicious apple and pumpkin pie and pastries as seasonal treats. Take a nature walk with your family, in your neighbourhood or in the woods. Give your children a paper bag and to fill with acorns, rocks or leaves- items that are cool and will serve as reminders of this beautiful season. Get the kids to help with the yard work and raking. Make the piles tall and let them jump into the coloured leaves. Make candy or caramel apples together as a seasonal treat.

You may also want to begin decorating your home while getting into Halloween. Set pumpkins on the porch, ready to be carved. It’s also a great time to let the children create their own costumes or decide what they want to be and plan on making them unique.

It’s also a great time of the year to clean up the pantry, the cupboards, your stove and refrigerator. That way you know you have the fresh version of everything on hand for those upcoming, indoor Sunday afternoons, which are so perfect for spending time in the kitchen. It’s also a great time to think about your goals and perhaps to start to compile a holiday shopping list.


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We wish you a safe fall season and a very Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Maid in Windsor, your bonded and insured residential and office cleaners for over 7 years.

Yours truly,

Mike Greenwood/Proprietor

519-971-2114 https://maidinwindsor.com

Gathered leaves wear coats of endless colours, each painted by time ..